Monday, March 12, 2018

Relationship goals

Relationship goals
You know you’re in a good place when you can go a few days without seeing your S.O., and although you miss each other, it’s not the end of the world. This past year, I went to Spain for a week without my boyfriend. I missed him and he missed me, but we didn’t spend the whole time trying to talk or crying about how much we missed each other. It’s so important to be able to have your own lives and do your own things sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, it’s also important to experience things together, but if you’re too dependent on each other, that’s not good.

When you first start dating someone, getting into an argument with them makes you feel all sorts of nervous about whether or not the 
relationship will end because of it. After you’ve been together for a while, you realize that little arguments every once in a while are normal and aren’t the end of everything. That sounds 

depressing, but it’s actually where you want to be.

There’s something really nice about a hangout sesh with your boyfriend that involves you reading a book while he watches his show. It’s nice to be able to do your own thing while still being together. Of course, every single hangout shouldn’t be you guys doing this, but you know what I mean.

You know what’s weird? Sex. Funny, embarrassing things happen, and if you can laugh about them with your partner instead of feeling the urge to run away, you’re in a good place

There’s nothing wrong with letting the world know how you feel about bae. But when you feel the need to make a spectacle of your relationship every single day, it seems like you’re over-compensating. It seems like it’s too much. Relationships are about two people, not about the attention two people can get by making others jealous.

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